Day 1

    9 December:  Day 1  - High-level policy workshop
08:30 – 09:00 Welcome and introduction by representatives of co-organizers:

Boukary Savadogo, Education Division Chief, AfDB

Fengchun Miao, ICT in Education Specialist, UNESCO

Ma-Umba Mabiala, Director of Education and Youth, OIF

Moise Leye, Africa Corporate Affairs Director, INTEL

Hamidou Boukary, Acting Executive Secretary, ADEA

09:00 – 09:45  Keynote speech: Education Transformation through ICT integration - John Davis, Vice President, INTEL
09:45 – 10:15   

Coffee break

10:15 – 12:00 Session 1 Lessons learned from countries having reached different phases of ICT integration

Moderator: Frederico Carvalho, INTEL

Respondent: Beedeenanun Conhye, ADEA

-    Education as a development and change factor: the integration of digital technologies in education, the Portuguese case - José Manuel Canavarro, Member of the Portuguese

National Council for Education

-    Tunisia’s ICT in education strategy: Implementation, monitoring and evaluation, lessons learned - Skander Ghenia, DG of the National Educational Technology Center

-    "Open your Tomorrow" - a Distributive initiative to drive education transformation in Lebanon – Hussam Kayyal, Advisor to the Minister of Telecom of Lebanon & Bernard  Rizk,

President  CEO of Triple C, Lebanon

12:00 – 13:30   
    Lunch break
14:00 – 15:30 Session 2 Key policy areas: lessons learned (Part I): Discussion of Key lessons learned from previous ICT integration in education policies and projects / 5 breakout


i.    Policy development, funding, implementation and monitoring (Chair: Hamidou Boukary, ADEA / Facilitator: Ferruh Gurtas, Intel) - simultaneous translation  – Venue: DIDON

ii.    Teacher professional development and pedagogical practices (Chair: Fengchun Miao, UNESCO / Facilitator: Andre Christian, Intel) - simultaneous translation  – Venue: SIDI BOU SAID
iii.    Digital content development and sharing (Chair: Louise Bertrand, OIF / Facilitator: Moise LEYE, Intel) - working language: French – Venue: EL MELIA

iv.    Equitable deployment of ICT equipment and connectivity (Chair: Ali Yahiaoui, AfDB / Facilitator: Frederico Carvalho, Intel) -working language: English – Venue: TOP HAT

v.    Evaluating and scaling up innovation (Chair: Chuka Aduba, AfDB / Facilitator: Joseph Nsengimana, Intel) - working language: English – Venue: VALETTA

15:30 – 15:45

 Coffee break

15:45 – 17:00    Session 3 Key policy areas: recommendations (Part II): Consolidating discussion outcomes and defining key recommendations/project areas

i.    Policy development, funding, implementation and monitoring (Chair: Hamidou Boukary, ADEA / Facilitator: Ferruh Gurtas, Intel) - simultaneous translation  – Venue: DIDON

ii.    Teacher professional development and pedagogical practices (Chair: Fengchun Miao, UNESCO / Facilitator: Andre Christian, Intel) - simultaneous translation  – Venue: SIDI BOU SAID

iii.    Digital content development and sharing (Chair: Louise Bertrand, OIF / Facilitator: Moise LEYE, Intel) - working language: French – Venue: EL MELIA

iv.    Equitable deployment of ICT equipment and connectivity (Chair: Ali Yahiaoui, AfDB / Facilitator: Frederico Carvalho, Intel) -working language: English – Venue: TOP HAT

v.    Evaluating and scaling up innovation (Chair: Chuka Aduba, AfDB / Facilitator: Joseph Nsengimana, Intel) - working language: English – Venue: VALETTA

17:00 – 18:00

Discussion and validation key recommendations/project areas

Moderator: Mamadou Ndoye


     Welcome cocktail diner – sponsored by co-organizers