
JP- Inspiring Knowledge.

JP-inspiring knowledge provides turnkey solutions for Education, including technological equipment, educational software, school infrastructure, teacher training and a broad range of technical services...

Intel Education Solutions

Intel Education solutions have also a very spectacular exhibition. Intel Education solutions is considered a model for success in education transformation...

Beijing Royal School

From China, we have the Beijing Royal School which has displayed several artifacts, and is showing how the school connects to the rest of the world’s top education institutions to share education resources around the Globe, through the use of high-tech information, such as satellite and fiber-optical.

Showcasing ICT solutions

The Forum will include an Exhibition Area, which will also be propitious for exchanging and building partnerships.
ICT solutions applicable in the areas of education and training will be presented on the stands of Microsoft , JP Sa Couto et Fazheng Industry Group.
ADEA will also showcase publications and inform participants of its activities including that of the ADEA Task Force on ICTs.