
CESA Journals

CESA Journal Volume 4

Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA)  

February 2019

CESA Journal Volume 3

Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA)  

July 2018

CESA Journal Volume 2

Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA)  

December 2017

CESA Journal Volume 1

Implementation Progress of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA)  

July 2017

Press Releases - 26 April


African Forum calls for speeding up actions to foster job-relevant digital skills for African youth




Le Forum africain appelle à accélérer les actions visant à encourager les jeunes Africains à acquérir des compétences numériques pertinentes pour l’emploi​


Opening Remarks - 18 April

Opening Remarks

H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Commission

Delivered on her behalf by Mr. Nicholas Ouma, Senior Youth Advisor, Africa Union Commission



H.E. Mr. Buti Manamela, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training of the Republic of South Africa


Press Release - 18 April

African officials commit to unleash skills revolution for youth​

African high-level officials and other stakeholders are meeting in Tunisia’s capital, Tunis to discuss ways of upscaling skills development and decent job opportunities for the youth on the continent. The Digital Skills Forum for African Youth, from April 18 to 19, opened on a high note.


Press Releases - 17 April


Setting up the stage for the African Forum on Youth Skills and Enterprises in the Digital Age



انطلاق المنتدى الإفريقي الوزاري المنتدى الوزاري الافريقي

تحت شعار "مهارات الشّباب والمؤسسات في عصر الرقمنة"


Lancement du Forum africain sur les compétences et les entreprises des jeunes à l'ère numérique


Draft Agenda

Draft Concept Note

Draft Agenda

Updated on April 14th, 2018


Draft Concept Note

African Forum on Youth Skills & Enterprise in the Digital Age 

March 2018

Reference Documents

African Union Agenda 2063: "The Africa We Want"

It is a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the continent over the next 50 years. Its builds on, and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable development.

AU Roadmap on Harnessing The Demographic Dividend Through Investments in Youth

The AU assembly decision (Assembly/AU/Dec.591 (XXVI) mandates the Commission in collaboration with UNECA, AfDB, NEPAD and UNFPA to develop a roadmap and expedite the implementation of the Demographic Dividend in Africa.

Continental Strategy for TVET to Foster Youth Employment

This TVET continental strategy provides a comprehensive framework for the design and development of national policies and strategies to address the challenges of education and technical and vocational training to support economic development and the creation of national wealth and contribute to poverty reduction.

Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-23

CESA 16-25 is a continental strategy that matches the 2016-2025 framework of the African Union 2063 Agenda, meets the Common African Position (CAP) on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and draws lessons from previous continental plans and strategies with regard to the role and place of the AUC (AU).

Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024

The STISA-2024 has been developed during an important period when the African Union was formulating a broader and long-term AU Agenda 2063. The STISA-2024 is the first of the ten-year incremental phasing strategies to respond to the demand for science, technology and innovation to impact across critical sectors.

Call for Proposals

Call for Submission of Presentation Proposals

Deadline for submitting a proposal is 17th November 2017. 

Submissions must be sent to







Strategic Partners
