
The Ministerial Forum is expected to gather approximately 140-150 participants comprising:

  • Ministers in charge of education, TVET, higher education, and scientific research.
  • Policymakers and senior technical staff from Ministries in charge of education, TVET, higher education and scientific research.
  • Practitioners from the education, training, technology and skills development fields (technical institutes, universities, research institutes)
  • Participants from both the public and private sectors in areas that include education, training and technology.
  • The ITC private sector.
  • Regional and international experts involved in the development and implementation of education and training policies and ICT integration in education and training policies (development cooperation agencies, Regional Economic Communities (RECs)).
  • The African diaspora who have distinguished themselves in the field of ICT integration in education and training.
  • International, regional and national media.
  • Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and advocacy organisations.
  • Youth organizations


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