Inge Vervloesem

Inge Vervloesem has 15 years of experience working in the education sector across Africa, both in the public and private sector. In 2005, Inge co-wrote the ICT in education and training strategy for Kenya and has been passionate about ICT in education ever since. She currently leads ICT in education and skills development as part of her portfolio at the UNICEF regional office for West and Central Africa – based in Dakar, Senegal.

Beside Africa, Inge has worked in Europe and in Latin America`. UNICEF, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the World Bank, Intel and SAS are among the organizations and companies she worked with, implementing programmes and facilitating change. She enjoys bringing new perspectives to ordinary views and sparks growth and transformation through her work in personal development and coaching - always with an eye for the human component inspiring growth from the inside out.

Inge holds three Master degrees, in Applied Economics, in Development and in Statistics.

Technical Session 5: Life skills and citizenship education, reimagining the learning agenda to ensure successful transition from learning to the world of work
Day 3 – 19 April 2018, 13:30 – 14:45





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