Mario Franco

Mario made studies in philosophy. His background is linked to associative structures in different areas from youth to development and environment. Later on he has dedicate his attention to public policy, focussing on Information and Communication Technologies. As from 1995 he has been involved in eInclusion projects and programs at national and international levels. 

From 1996 to 2004, he chaired the Foundation for the Promotion of Information Technology (FDTI) which was a network of more than 300 training centers, and he coordinate a special program to promote science education. Afterwards he worked as a consultant until 2008. 

In 2008 he assumed the post of President of FCM - Foundation for Mobile Communications having previously been the coordinator of the Portuguese Information Society Fund – preceding FCM. Mario led a team that has developed and managed the eSchool Program. This Program has allowed the access to a mobile computer and internet to 1.7 million people in Portugal, considered one of the most successful initiatives in this field. 

As manager of the eSchool Program, Mario has worked with many companies, governments and institutions, in particular he chaired the International Expert Group of World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF) organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and has been a member of the Strategy Council of The Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development (GAID) of the United Nations. 

As a follow up of his experience in education and technology at different levels, including international level, Mario is currently the Chairperson of Millennium@EDU SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION and the coordinator of the Sustainable@EDU PROGRAM, that aims to make accessible the information, communication and scientific technologies (ICSTs) to learning, education and inclusion under comprehensive initiatives with impact in local socio-economic development. The Sustainable@EDU PROGRAM is committed to contribute for the United Nations Secretary-General initiative “Education First” and for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 

Mario is a regular speaker at conferences around the world on Education and Technologies organized by relevant institutions such as UNESCO and International Telecommunications Union (ITU) among many other institutions and governments.

High level round table: Digital secondary education, 21st century skills and readiness for the world of work
Day 3 – 19 April 2018, 11:00 – 12:15





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