Ruth Waiganjo

Ruth recently completed her undergraduate degree pursuing Computer Science at the University of Nairobi. During that time, she has been actively involved in student community engagement. This was through becoming an Intel Student Ambassador and training her fellow students on technologies such as the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. She also began mentoring younger female students in Computer Science which led to a Women Techmakers Chapter in her university sponsored by Google. Her pursuits in mentoring progressed to becoming a peer mentor at Kamilimu, a structured mentorship program for university students studying technology fields.

She also enjoys taking part in Hackathons and pitching competitions. In the recent past she led a group during a pitching competition held by Kamilimu and presented a project aimed at reducing sexual harassment in universities. Her group emerged as the winners at the competition.  She is also passionate about digital literacy and has been involved every year as trainer during the Africa Kids Code Week sponsored by Google.

She represented her country, Kenya at the first ever Miss Geek Africa Competition and emerged a winner. Since then she has been invited to speak about her project and experience in events such as the Youth Africa Komit Summit held in Kigali and Women Techmakers events in Kenya.

Technical Session 4: Conventional and emerging technologies (Virtual Realities, Open Educational Resources, Gamification, Robotics, Open Badges, etc.) – Trends in skilling youth for new and future jobs
Day 3 – 19 April 2018, 09:15 – 10:30





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