Thomas Munthali

Dr. Thomas Chataghalala Munthali is the Director of Knowledge and Learning at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), a specialized agency of the African Union on capacity development. He holds a Masters and PhD in Economics from University of Leeds, England. Prior to joining ACBF, Dr. Munthali was the Malawi Country Director for Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) providing support to Zambia too. As a seasoned Economist with extensive international experience, he has worked with Malawi’s Ministry of Economic Planning where he was part of the team that coordinated the development of the Malawi Economic Growth Strategy; the World Bank where he coordinated research around exchange rates and transport systems as part of the 2009 country economic memorandum; and UNFPA where he provided leadership in strategies for harnessing demographic dividend for development. He coordinates publication of the annual ACBF’s flagship Africa Capacity Report and the African Financial Governance Outlook (published jointly by ACBF and African Development Bank). He has also written a number of journal and workshop/conference papers as well as publications on capacity development, corporate governance, exchange rates, economic development, financial development, insurance and economic growth, population and development, climate change, inter alia. He the past President of the Economics Association of Malawi. He was also a member of the Advisory Council for Strategic Planning that advised the then African Union Chairman, Prof. Bingu Wa Mutharika.

Technical Session 2: African Youth, digital competencies and creative media: “from skills to market” - New approaches for youth empowerment through digital skills and entrepreneurship: addressing the skills gap and fostering inclusive growth
Day 2 – 18 April 2018, 14:15 – 15:30





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