Eliguard Dawson

Eliguard was born and raised on the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. He serves as the Country Director for Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania. DOT is a social enterprise that creates a global network of talented, energetic young leaders who make real change through social innovation, ICTs and entrepreneurship.  For the past five years DOT Tanzania has worked closely with the Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) to deliver digital and entrepreneurship skills to VETA students, teachers and out-of-school youth.  In the next four years DOT Tanzania will equip thousands of young leaders with skills, tools and resources to create and sustain digitally-enabled social enterprises that will engage the poor with dignity as customers or suppliers in various value chains. He holds a Master’s Degree in Education for Sustainability from London South Bank University. Eliguard is a life-long student of leadership, a marathoner, passionate farmer and an avid reader.

Session technique 3 : Autonomisation des jeunes femmes et des filles grâce aux compétences numériques
 Deuxième journée – 18 avril 2018, 16:00 – 17:15





Partenaires stratégiques
