Jeannette Vogelaar

Jeannette Vogelaar is UNICEF’s new regional Education Advisor for the Middle East and North African (MENA) region. She has over 25 years of experience working in the education sector. She started her international career with UNESCO, and moved on working for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Before joining UNICEF, Jeannette worked as senior policy and planning advisor in the Ministry of Education in Mozambique. She also has done several consultancies for UNICEF and the WB.

Her area of expertise is in educational planning, budgeting and monitoring for better results, institutional capacity building, the use of ICTs for lifelong learning. She is not new to ADE, having chaired the ADEA Working Group on ECD for 7 years.

At UNICEF in the MENA region, she focussing on promoting a new learning agenda that aims at fostering a new generation that is resilient, shares responsibility to eschew conflict, discrimination and violence, and is prepared for positive engagement in lifelong learning and work.

Session technique 5 : Éducation aux compétences de vie courante et à la citoyenneté, en repensant le programme d’apprentissage pour garantir une transition réussie entre l’apprentissage et le monde du travail
Troisième journée – 19 avril 2018, 13:30 – 14:45





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