Jerome Morrissey

Jerome Morrissey is the CEO of GeSCI – Global e-Schools and Communities’ Initiative – founded by the United Nations in 2003. GESCI’s mandate is to improve quality and access in education: to empower communities through technology-assisted learning and to accelerate socio-economic development through leadership development for science, technology and innovation driven policymaking and implementation.

Prior to this he was the founding director of the National Centre for Technology in Education in Ireland. He chaired an ICT Expert Strategy Group of the Irish Government to advise on policy and priorities for investment in ICT in education (2008 – 2013).

He was vice-chairperson of the EUN Steering Committee of the European Union Schoolnet – a consortium of 28 Ministries of Education in Europe created in 1997 to lead the way in bringing about change and improvement in learning and teaching through the incorporation of new technologies. He sat on several international committees and advisory groups on ICT in Education and is a member of an EU expert group on indicators on ICT in education established in 2011 by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture.

He has worked with the OECD in the development of quality criteria for digital and interactive resources in teaching and learning and has written on ICT integration in Education in education/teacher journals, handbooks and newspapers.

Jerome Morrissey fervently believes in the unprecedented opportunities that ICT presents to connect the young people of the world to share ideas, collaborate and learn; to  improve equality of provision and access to learning;  to skills development and, ultimately, to employment creation. He has a particular interest in the effective use of low-cost mobile technologies for use in formal and informal learning environments in developing countries.

He was a central force and pivotal innovator in the development of the further education sector (Community College sector) in Ireland and directed the development of creative media programmes for employment in the developing cultural industries.

Session technique 6 : Adaptation et renforcement de l’agilité grâce aux compétences numériques nationales globales pour améliorer l’employabilité, la productivité et la capacité d’innovation.
Troisième journée – 19 avril 2018, 14:45 – 15:45 





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